Circle Squared Links

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Episode 3: Dead Men Pay No Tithing

In this episode, Corinne and Matt discuss two recent essays by the Mormon Church on the role of women in Mormonism.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Episode 2: Baby-Making Cheerleaders

In this episode Corinne and Matt share their thoughts on the most recent Mormon General Conference:

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Episode 1: Circle Squared

Our very first episode is ready! Click on the link below to listen! In this episode, Corinne and Matt discuss the purpose of the podcast, their religious backgrounds and personal concerns with Mormonism. Feel free to leave a comment on this page, or email us at

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Welcome to the Circle Squared Podcast: a safe place to make light of sacred things. The focus of this podcast is to discuss religion, atheism and skepticism in a way which will benefit and entertain others. We are currently working on recording our first few episodes, which you will be able to listen to here. In the future we hope to have our podcast available on several formats, including iTunes. If you enjoy what you hear, please rate us on whatever platform you find us. If you would like to contact us, you can leave a comment on a post, or email us at Please indicate if you would like us to air your question or comment, and by what name we should call you on air (some people prefer privacy when discussing these things). Enjoy!